PARTY | Votes Live | Votes GE 24 |
Labour | 728 | 1,465 |
Reform | 3,291 | 1,805 |
Cons | 1,842 | 1,875 |
Lib Dem | 908 | 895 |
Green | 492 | 484 |
SNP | 327 | 319 |
Plaid | 192 | 189 |
Other | 226 | 272 |
Indept | 178 | 176 |
Spoiled | 210 | 914 |
TOTAL | 8,394 | 8,394 |
Members can add or update their vote by pressing the blue circle with a plus sign at the foot of this screen. Votes are updated in real time in the bar charts and also in the table above.
The first chart shows the party they would vote for now, whereas the second shows how the same members voted at the last UK General Election (the latter details collected when they joined). The items headed "spoil" are "votes" by those members who would spoil their ballots or not vote at all.
The number of members who have voted is a subset of our total membership, not the total membership itself. We also store this information by constituency.
The demographic of the voters is that of our members aged 60 and over. The equivalent UK-wide demographic is in excess of 10 million voters.
This web page uses a third party API.
We aim to stand up for the issues which directly and indirectly have an impact on Pensioners, including issues which affect our children, our grandchildren and our country.
We aim to influence national and local government policies which affect Pensioners directly, such as the Triple Lock State Pension, the Winter Fuel Allowance, energy bills and Pensioner Poverty to name but a few.
We aim to tackle ageism in the workplace and in society, so that Pensioners with a wealth of life experience can continue to contribute to our communities and to the economy.
We aim to be a powerful group of more than 10 million voters who can no longer be ignored.
No. We aim to influence existing political parties / independents.
We consult with our members to recommend a consensus candidate or party, but of course you may vote for whom you wish.
We try to address areas of concern which affect most Pensioners, but we cannot say we speak for all Pensioners.
The company which owns this website was founded in 2003 and is a respected brand whose products have often appeared in articles in the mainstream press.